Make a Payment

We have a range of payment options available.
For any enquiries regarding payments, please call 1300 SCINSURE (1300 724 678).

Payment Options

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

To pay by Electronic Funds Transfer please note our account details below. You will need to reference your Strata Plan number as well as your Quotation Number or your Policy Number.

Our Account Details:
Account: Strata Community Insurance
Bank: ANZ Banking Group
BSB: 012013
A/C No: 2157-45659

If payments are received without reference details we cannot guarantee that the payment will be applied against the right invoice, at least not in a timely manner. This could result in your policy not commencing or being cancelled.


BPAY information is specific to each invoice. The reference information you need is printed on the invoice.


Please make cheques payable to Strata Community Insurance.

You will need to reference your Strata Plan number as well as your Quotation Number or your Policy Number.

Please mail your cheques to:
Strata Community Insurance
Banking Team
PO Box 631
North Sydney, NSW, 2059

If payments are received without reference details we cannot guarantee that the payment will be applied against the right invoice, at least not in a timely manner. This could result in your policy not commencing or being cancelled.

Credit Card

Please note, all credit card payments will incur an additional fee of 0.5%. Please call 1300 SCINSURE (1300 724 678).